
Access all EM-DAT publications!

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Title Year Publisher Authors Link
Overview of types of hazards and disasters, and their consequences. 2000 Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) Guha-Sapir Access
Natural disasters and human settlements: a statistical survey: 1991-1995 1996 Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, World Meteorological Organization CRED and WMO Access
Vulnérabilité aux catastrophes et options stratégiques pour la prévention: analyse préliminaire de six régions à haut risque 1996 Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters CRED Access
Proposed principles and guidelines for the collection and dissemination of disaster related data 1992 DHA-UNDRO et al. Access
The Development of a Database on Disasters 1992 Disasters Guha-Sapir and Misson Access
Disasters and Databases: Experiences of the CRED EMDAT Project 1991 UNDRO News Guha-Sapir and Misson Access